Real-time stock quotes on iPhone

Posted by Investipedia | 11:29 AM | 0 comments »

If you are an iPhone user looking for a application to follow the market in real-time then you need to download this free application. DailyFinance is the only free application that provides real-time stock quotes, tracking for multiple portfolios, customizable news from over 3,000 sources and professional-grade charting.

About DailyFinance for iPhone

Experience the most powerful iPhone application for investors and market followers. DailyFinance is the only free application that provides real-time stock quotes, tracking for multiple portfolios, customizable news from over 3,000 sources and professional-grade charting.

Free Real-Time Stock Quotes
Real-time stock quotes from BATS Exchange and 15-minute delayed quotes from NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.
Real-Time Financial News
Customize and track top business, company, and sector news and dozens of other news topics from over 3,000 sources.
Web Tracking of Your iPhone Portfolios
Track and manage your iPhone portfolios on the web at
Multiple Portfolios and Watchlists
Create and track up to 25 different portfolios and watchlists. AOL Money & Finance users simply sign in to track your portfolios.
Powerful Charts
Use interactive charts to track the current and historical performance of investments and easily compare against peers and market benchmarks.
Global Markets, Gainers & Losers
Follow leading global market indicators as well as the individual securities moving the U.S. markets via the top Gainers, Losers, and Most Actives throughout the trading day.
Auto Refreshing of Data
After initial screen load, stock price and market data automatically refreshes every 30 seconds; intraday charts and market news headlines refresh every 2 minutes.