It can't get any Simpler than this.

Posted by Investipedia | 6:06 PM | , | 0 comments »

Rule #1, as famed investor Warren Buffett will tell you, is don’t lose money. By an intriguing process that Phil clarifies in his book, not losing money results in making more money than you ever imagined. It essentially comes down to buying shares of companies only when the numbers—and the intangibles—are on your side. If that sounds too good to be true, it’s because the method Phil explains and that has worked for the most successful investors for the past 100 years.

Part of the secret is thinking like a business owner rather than a stock investor. Part is taking advantage of today’s new Internet tools that drastically reduce the “homework factor.” (We’re talking a few minutes, tops.) Part is knowing the only 5 numbers that really count in valuing a potential investment. And part—maybe the most important part—is using the risk-free Rule #1 approach to consistently pay a mere 50 cents to buy a dollar’s worth of a business.

Find a wonderful business you understand
Know what it’s worth – exactly what it’s worth – by predicting its future stock price
Buy it at 50% off... and sell at full price when the market corrects its value
Repeat until very rich